Grant Guidelines and Funding

Classis Holland supports congregations and ministries through various grant funding programs

Grant Guidelines

Inaugurated for budget year 2025
  • Congregations with 150 or fewer active adult professing members are eligible for grants
  • Grants will ordinarily support ministries that are clearly affiliated with the CRCNA and doing ministry within the geographic footprint of classis.
  • A ministry may apply for only one type of grant per year and cannot apply for more than three project grants in ten years
  • Maximum grants are as follows:
    • Sustaining and new ministry grants $14,500/year
    • Project grants $3,000/year
  • Student funding grants have a maximum of $5,000/year and a maximum of $20,000 for the entirety of a student’s years of theological training
  • Sustaining grants are renewed every five years only after a ministry review with particular attention given to congregational health and demonstrated missional outcomes (i.e. community engagement, pastoring the local community, growth through evangelism, percentage of members living within the church’s parish, etc.)
  • Classical grants are distributed through a networking process whenever possible. The process takes place in the following manner:
    • Classis approves grant funding request
    • Churches agree to enter into a networking relationship with a grant recipient
    • Churches then reduce classical contributions by amount of grant request and write check directly
    • The goal is 100% networking
    • Grants will include approved diaconal ministries and campus ministries
  • All project grants must be clearly mission-focused assisting the congregation to creatively reach beyond their walls
  • Congregations receiving sustaining grants are not required to contribute to classical ministry shares
  • No grant projects can be dually funded by both Classis Holland and another granting organization
  • All grant requests must be submitted by July 1 in the year prior to the granting year.