Classis Officers, Key Volunteers and Agency Representatives

Church Visitors

Church Visitors will be assigned by Classis upon request of the Classis Executive Team.  Church Councils are also encouraged to submit concerns by way of their classical credentials.  An annual questionnaire from the CET will be sent to each congregation regarding the life and health of their congregation. 

Team 1
(Bravo, Kibbie, West Olive)

Team 2
(Calvary, Graafschap, Maple Ave.)

Team 3
(East Saugatuck, Saugatuck, Pillar)

Team 4
(Bethany, Calvin, Maranatha,)

Team 5
(14th Street, Victory Point, Providence)

Team 6
(Central Ave., Crosswinds, Noordeloos)

Team 7
(Holland Heights, Niekerk, Park, South Olive)

Team 8
(Cambodian, Lao, Mision Rey de Reyes)

Team 9
(Hamilton, Gibson, Faith)

Team 10
(South Bend, St. Joseph, Celebration, Watershed, Fusion)

Regional Pastors (indefinite)

Chris De Vos – East Region
Bethany, Calvary, Central Ave., Faith, Fourteenth St., Graafschap, Hamilton, Holland Heights, Maranatha, Mision Rey de Reyes, Niekerk, Noordeloos, South Bend, South Olive, Victory Point, West Olive.

Marv Hofman – West Region
Bravo, Calvin, Cambodian, Crosswinds, Gibson, Harderwyk, East Saugatuck, Kibbie, Lao, Maple Ave., Park, Pillar, Providence, St. Joseph, Saugatuck, Principe de Paz

Church Visitor Teams:

John Hutt & Gerrit Haagsma
Chris DeVos & Chad Pierce

Classis Officers:


Jen Rozema, President (fall 2024) photo contact info

Matt Stob, Vice President (Fall 2025) photo contact info

Classis Executive Team

Matt Stob, President – Email
Dan Steen, Vice President – Email
Steve Hasper
Lee Khang
Doug Fauble (Chairman)
Cal Hoogstra (Stated Clerk)
Keith Doornbos (Ministries Coordinator)

Benj Petroelje, Chair
Vern Swierenga, at large member
Chad Steenwyk, at large member
Cal Hoogstra (Clerk, Treasurer)
Doug Fauble, Polity specialist
Marv Hofman, ex officio
Dave Spoelma ex officio
Keith Doornbos ex officio
Doug Fauble
Stephen Hasper

Vision Implementation Team

Keith Doornbos (Chairman)
Mark Douglas (Congregational Vitality)
Sue Prins (Discipleship)
Raeanne Walters
Art Van Wyhe (New Ministries)
Sophat Duch (Diversity)
Jack Kooyman (Diaconal Ministries)
Steve Hasper (Empowering Prayer)

Church Planting and Renewal Team

Church Planting Team:
Toby Gruppen, Chair
Darwin Glassford
Keith Doornbos

Church Renewal Team:
Matt Hochhalter, Chair
Winfred Burns II
Dan Steen
Keith Doornbos
Jose Garcia
Jodi Gilmore

Pastor Church Relations Team

Marv Hofman – Director

Classis Prayer Coordinator

Jodi Gilmore

Stated Clerk

Calvin Hoogstra

Stated Treasurer

Calvin Hoogstra
Mel Busscher (Alt)

Special Education Ministry

Dori Helder

Ann Arbor Representative

Gerrit Haagsma

Student and Grant Funding

Keith Doornbos

Holland Safe Church Team

Dave Spoelman

Agency Representatives: (formerly Denominational)

World renew
Calvin sem
Calvin U
Council of Delegates Wayne Brouwer


Synodical Deputy

Dave Spoelma
Chris De Vos (Alt)

Under Council of Delegates

Back to God Ministries international
Resonate Global Mission

World Renew Board (3yrs)

Socheth Na

Regional Boards:

Regional boards have fewer delegates than the number of classes. These elections are administered by the denominational offices. This data is available in the Acts of Synod Region 10.

Calvin College Board

Marjorie Hoogeboom (at large member) (2018-2)
Rev. M. Koetje (2018–2) – SPECIAL APPOINTMENT
Mr. Christopher (CJ) Grier (Regional at-large) (2018-1)
 Mr. Bruce Los (Regional at-large) (2019-1)

Calvin Seminary Board

Region 10 currently vacant.
Dr. Susan Strikwerda (Regional at-large) (2020-1)

Disability Concerns Regional Consultant